2014-08-27 08:50:53   来源:麦姆斯咨询   评论:0   点击:






毛思宁博士是希磁电子科技有限公司(Sinomags)合伙创始人兼总经理,也是中科院材料所兼职研究员,国家“千人计划”专家。曾任美国西部数据(Western Digital)副总裁和希捷(Seagate)资深总监,被誉为隧道磁阻TMR磁头之父,也是业内第一位成为VP的大陆留学生。他所带领的团队帮助西部数据将年销售额从40亿美元增长至120亿美元。他带领希捷团队研发了多项行业“第一技术”从而成功地取代了IBM的市场位置。他发表过170篇技术论文,拥有60项专利,50余次国际特邀报告。北大物理系毕业,清华任教,美国马里兰大学博士学位,国际著名磁电子学专家,专注GMR和TMR磁电子材料、物理和器件、存储物联网传感器技术研发、MRAM、硬盘技术,以及自旋电子学领域。


The Internet of things (IoT) has a great potential to make our world more advanced and intelligent. Besides the software and platform integration the physical sensing device is a critical element for the complete system of IoT. Among various types of sensors and/or transducers thin film magnetoresistive sensors have been an attractive candidate widely used in different applications in the past decades for measurements of linear and angular positions, or magnetic field or current, motion and compassing (2 or 3 axis).

Magnetic sensors started with Hall sensors and migrated into MR (Magnetoresistence) or specifically AMR (Anisotropic MR) sensors and now on the verge of more advanced GMR (Giant MR) and TMR (Tunneling MR) sensors. Due to the nature of electron spin physics certain magnetic thin films exhibit magnetoresistive (MR) effect which is a change of resistivity under the influence of applied magnetic field. AMR sensors have been commercially used first and now some research work published for GMR and TMR sensors which show better sensitivity thus SNR. Recording heads are the core technology for hard disc drive industry which essentially leads the way for magnetic sensor applications. AMR heads are out of the market decades ago and GMR heads also exited. In recent years the TMR sensor has been a standard device due to the extremely high sensitivity and reliability. We will discuss different aspects of the TMR sensors in this article and focusing on the world first commercial TMR current sensors and other types of magnetic imaging sensors produced by Sinomags.


希磁电子科技有限公司(Sinomags Technology Co., Ltd.)是由美国世界500强企业的高级管理、高级技术人员与宁波著名企业家一起创办的高科技公司。希磁科技将TMR磁头技术跨界应用到传感器上,基于优化的商务平台,以较低的成本,为客户提供高性价比的传感器芯片、模块、系统和产品。


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