2014-07-22 20:48:11   来源:微迷   评论:0   点击:

博世亚太区总裁Leopold先生参加全球传感器高峰论坛暨物联网应用峰会,并做《MEMS传感器的未来》主题演讲。Bosch Sensortec成立后不久,Leopold Beer加入公司,并先后担任销售总监和全球营销总监。2013年3月,他出任Bosch Sensortec亚太地区总裁。




英文题目:the Future of MEMS Sensors


MEMS sensor technology development has been naturally driven by the respective applications evolution.

While starting with Automotive applications and then proliferating into consumer electronics, the application world and thus the product world have been clearly delimited leading to two different business environments. The clear key success factors for manufacturers acting in this market where technology mastering.

With the upcoming of new application segments the situation changes significantly shifting the focus of sensor manufacturers towards system integration. Along with the "old" competencies that are still required there will be new skills that MEMS sensor manufacturers need to acquire - this will undoubtedly lead to a new way of thinking and developing MEMS sensors. The current presentation will provide insight to the previous and actual market requirements and will deliver an outlook to what is assumed to be next in MEMS sensor evolution stage.


Bosch Sensortec成立于2006年。成立后不久,百里博(Leopold Beer)加入公司,并先后担任销售总监和全球营销总监。2013年3月,他出任Bosch Sensortec亚太地区总裁。

在加入Bosch Sensortec前,百里博(Leopold Beer)曾在半导体和汽车行业担任多个工程和管理职位。

2006 Bosch Sensortec,担任销售总监
2008 Bosch Sensortec,担任全球营销总监
2013 Bosch Sensortec,担任亚太区总裁

Bosch Sensortec介绍:

Bosch Sensortec GmbH 是罗伯特·博世有限公司(Robert Bosch GmbH)的全资子公司,致力于为智能手机、平板电脑、可穿戴设备及物联网等消费类电子市场提供全系列的微机电(MEMS)传感器解决方案并真正实现智能手机等设备对周边环境的感知及进行更高层次的人机交互。

公司产品系列包括3 轴加速度传感器、3 轴陀螺仪与3 轴地磁传感器、6 轴与9 轴的集成式传感器、环境传感器以及全面的软件解决方案。自2005 年成立以来,Bosch Sensortec GmbH 已经迅速发展成为该市场的领导者。博世集团自1998 年至今一直是全球领先的MEMS 传感器供应商。至今,MEMS传感器的出货量已超过40亿颗。


相关热词搜索:传感器 MEMS

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